Graduation and Commencement
Congratulations! West Kentucky Community and Technical College’s president, faculty and staff would like to congratulate you on this exciting milestone! We understand that graduation may be overwhelming, therefore we have put together the following information relating to graduation and commencement for your reference.
- The Registrar’s Office will check your requirements. If problems are discovered, you will be contacted as soon as possible.
- Your credential will be mailed to your home address approximately 10-12 weeks after the end of the semester. If you move or intend to move after graduation, please make sure you change your address, officially, in your student self-service. Changes must be made by the end of the semester in which you are graduating.
- The graduation ceremony is held twice a year (the first or second week in May and the second or third week of December). A graduate is any student who has been awarded a certificate, diploma or degree.
- Your completion date and the credential received will be noted on your transcript within six weeks after the last day of finals. If you need proof of your credential, please order a copy of your transcript to be sent to the prospective school, prospective employers, etc.
- Honors:
- For AA, AS, AFA, or AAS degrees only: If you have 45 or more graded hours within KCTCS, and a GPA of 3.40-3.59, you will graduate with Distinction, or if you have a GPA of 3.60-4.00, you will graduate with High Distinction. This academic achievement will be noted on your transcript. If you have met the above criteria by the semester preceding graduation, the notation will appear in the Commencement Program.
- For diplomas only: If you have 30 or more graded hours within KCTCS and a GPA of 3.40-3.59, you will graduate with Distinction, or if you have a GPA of 3.60-4.00, you will graduate with High Distinction.
- For more information regarding Graduation Requirements, please view the KCTCS Catalog.
- If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Records Office at (270) 534-3438.
- Fall (December): September 1
- Spring (May): February 1
- Summer (August): June 15
Please see your credential below for steps to apply for Graduation:
Associate in Arts (AA) and/or an Associate in Science (AS):
- Fill out the online application.
- You will receive a confirmation via email within 10 business days.
- If you do not meet the requirements for graduation, you will receive an email and a letter in the mail.
- Associate Degree Graduates must complete the KCTCS Exit Survey.
- If you have received a student loan at any time, complete the exit counseling at www.studentaid.gov.
Associate in Fine Arts (AFA), Associate in Applied Science (AAS), Diploma(s)and/or Certificates:
- The process to apply for an AAS degree or diploma is to contact your academic advisor to complete a graduation application, that includes a completed academic plan, and that is to be turned into the Records Office.
- Make sure your advisor signs the graduation application and provides curriculum guides for each credential.
- Return the completed graduation application to the Records Office in ATB Room 112
before the deadline.
- You will receive a confirmation via email within 10 business days.
- Associate Degree Graduates must complete the KCTCS Exit Survey.
- If you have received a student loan at any time, complete the exit counseling at www.studentaid.gov.
What is a credential?
A credential is any degree, diploma or certificate that may be awarded to a student.
What is an expected graduate?
An expected graduate is someone that is expected to successfully complete the requirements for graduation for the semester in which they apply for credential and are expected to be awarded.
What is Commencement?
Commencement is the formal word for a graduation ceremony.
Who do I contact about commencement?
Contact the Commencement Coordinator at wkctccommencementcoordinator@kctcs.edu.
I am not sure which credential I need to apply for.
You will need to contact your assigned academic advisor. Contact information for your advisor is located on your student self-service.
What are the requirements to graduate with honors? Are there any other important policies?
Please refer to the KCTCS Graduation Policies
When/How will I get my credentials?
Credentials will be mailed within 10-12 weeks after the end of the semester. Please make sure you keep your address updated in your Student Self-Service.
Associate Degree Graduates Don't Forget! You must complete the WKCTC Exit Survey!
Received student loans? Complete the exit counseling at www.studentaid.gov.