Online Student Resources
Wi-Fi is available on the Paducah campus if needed by WKCTC students. WKCTC students can access Wi-Fi from their vehicles in the parking lots for the Anderson Technical Building, Nemer Building, Clemens Fine Arts Center, Student Center, Crounse Hall and the Emerging Technology Center. Those using the Wi-Fi will need to park as close as possible to one of the buildings listed above.
Get Comfortable Working Online
Blackboard has developed a lot of content and tutorials to help you learn how to use the tools and resources in your courses. Start with Blackboard Help for Students, which has a list of commonly asked questions and links to videos to help you. ranslated, etc.)
Get Help
Sometimes you need to ask for help. Below is a list of resources you may want to call on if you find that you are ever “stuck” on a process.
- Blackboard Technical Help
- (317) 333-7300
- Tutorial for Blackboard
- Blackboard won't connect or load
- Blackboard YouTube Channel
- Videos about common Blackboard topics and questions
- MyPath
- Access Email
- Login to Blackboard
- Connect to Office 365
- Register for courses
- Troubleshoot technical problems
- Access Student Self-Service
- (855) GO-WKCTC
- Connect to your college resources for:
- Financial aid
- Making payments
- Enrolling in courses
- Accessing your transcript
- WKCTC Online Learning
- Email wkctc.onlinelearning@kctcs.edu
- Call (270) 534-3258
- Library resources and assistance are still available! In Blackboard choose eLibrary under Student Resources on the institution page, then select West Kentucky Community and Technical College under Library Websites. Or, from the main WKCTC website, choose MyPath at the top of the page, Library, then West Kentucky Community and Technical College. Ask a Librarian for help, Chat Live on the Library's homepage, email WK-Library@kctcs.edu, or call (270) 534-3197.
- The Student Success Center offers in-person and online tutoring to all students at no charge. For assistance, call (270) 534-3179 or email wkctctutoringcenter@kctcs.edu.
Helpful Hints
- Time Management. Plan Ahead!! Create a calendar of virtual class meetings and important due dates. Schedule time to study, read and complete assignments. Also, remember to take a bit of time to relax as this is a stressful time. That downtime should also include sleep.
- Don’t Multitask! Focus on one assignment at a time. Arrange your tasks in the order of importance and pay attention to the three or four most important items that will require the most effort.
- Set up your virtual office. Find a spot where you can be work with minimal interruptions and distractions. Identifying a “work space” within your home will help you focus on classes. Within this space, you can picture yourself as “being in class” even if the dog is sitting at your feet.
- Actively participate in class discussion and assignments.
- Reach out to your instructor! Faculty and staff are here to help you so don’t be afraid to ask.
With our quick change to online classes, we want to make sure you're comfortable with your new learning environment.
If you've never taken an online class, or if your looking for some tips and tricks to keep you on track, you'll find resources to help you here.