About the SSC
Welcome to the Student Success Center. We are here to help you, our WKCTC students, Dream, Plan, and Achieve your academic goals.
The Student Success Center, SSC, opened in August of 2021, as part of Sector 5 of The WKCTC Guarantee. The Sector 5 vision for a student centered academic support center included a dedicated physical location to provide multiple avenues for academic support to increase student retention, success, and completion.
Our mission in the Student Success Center is to provide varied academic supports recognized as best practices and collaborate with other WKCTC retention efforts to ensure every WKCTC student is empowered to pursue and achieve their goals.
The SSC is more than the physical location. It includes the First Year Experience courses, tutoring services, Success Coaches, and Supplemental Instruction. Each part of the SSC provides WKCTC students experiences with unique supports that empower students to Dream, Plan, and Achieve their goals.
The physical space of the SSC is located on the first floor of Matheson Learning Resource Center and includes areas for tutoring and supplemental instruction as well as computer and printer access for students. Students may also use the space as a study lounge between classes. Come visit us!
Sanci Teague, Dean of Academic Services
Matheson Learning Resource Center, E6
Email: sanci.teague@kctcs.edu
Phone: (270) 534-3149
Sanci Teague earned a Bachelor of Arts in Secondary English Education from the University of Kentucky in 2007 and a Master of Arts in English from Murray State University in 2009. She is currently pursuing a Doctor of Education in Adult and Higher Education Leadership from Morehead State University. Sanci began her career at WKCTC in 2011 as the developmental writing coordinator helping students develop and strengthen their writing skills. Prior to her role as the Director of the Student Success Center, she was the FYE program coordinator where she helped many students chart their courses to academic and personal success. She is passionate about helping students navigate higher education and achieve their goals. Outside of WKCTC, Sanci enjoys drinking lattes with her husband and raising her two daughters.
Barbara Sweatt, Department Assistant
Matheson Learning Resource Center, 5
Email: barbara.sweatt@kctcs.edu
Phone: (270) 534-3283
Barbara graduated from Murray State University, earning a Bachelor of Science in Business Education and a Master of Arts in Secondary Education. Barbara has worked for WKCTC for 33 years in various positions on campus. Barbara hopes to help the students at WKCTC to DREAM. PLAN. ACHIEVE. during their time in the Student Success Center.