Computer Skills Exam Options
Workforce Solutions can generate a customized computer skills assessment to measure a candidates knowledge in Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, & One Drive.
CERTIPORT Digital Literacy
Before completing an AA, AS, AFA, AAS or any diploma with KCTCS, students must demonstrate digital literacy by one of the following means:
- Receiving credit for an approved digital literacy course (see KCTCS Catalog)
- Completing an approved program that has been given digital literacy status (see KCTCS Catalog)
- Achieving IC3 Certification by passing all three Global Standard 6 certification exams.
Procedure for taking the exams …
- Purchase the IC3 GS6 Digital Literacy Exam bundle vouchers at https://certiport.pearsonvue.com/Certifications/IC3/Digital-Literacy-Certification/Certify/IC3- Global-Standard-6 (current cost $125). You will also find practice exams and other resources at this site.
- Make an appointment to take the exams in the WKCTC Testing Center by calling (270) 534-3322. Take your vouchers to your appointment in the Testing Center located on the first floor of the Emerging Technologies Center building, Room 133.
- Pass all three Global Standard 6 certification exams to qualify for digital literacy status. Passing scores will be submitted to the WKCTC Registrar’s office. KCTCS transcripts will reflect a checkmark for digital literacy. No college credit will be earned for successful completion of the exams.
For more information and assessment scheduling please contact Workforce Solutions Assessment Center at (270) 534-3322