Financial Support
Proof of Financial Support -- Because studying and living in the United States can be a very expensive endeavor, it is important that students and their sponsors have a realistic understanding of the costs involved. The actual cost of living is dependent upon the lifestyle of each student. Students and sponsors should develop a long-term plan to cover the cost of a U.S education. F-1 visa students must submit proof that they have immediate access to one full academic year (9 months) of tuition and (12 months) living expenses, $23,356. Students who will bring their family must show an additional $4000 for their spouses and $2000 for each child. Financial aid is NOT available to F-1 students. Please read the Expenses Fact Sheet carefully and complete the following forms:
Financial Certification Form/Affidavit of Sponsorship - Student/Sponsors must attach an original bank statement and an employment verification letter to this form.
Affidavit of Sponsor Providing Room and Board - This form is only for students who will be living with someone who will provide the student with free room and board. That person must attach a copy of a lease or proof of homeownership and an employment verification letter to the form.
Note: Be sure to attach all additional documentation and make sure that all forms have been properly signed. Incomplete documentation will not be accepted.