Merit Pages
West Kentucky Community and Technical College uses a media tool called Merit to publicize student achievements both in and out of the classroom, over social media,
in hometown newspapers and online.
Your personalized Merit is a showcase of your validated achievements, which you can share with family and friends in social networks to demonstrate the great work you're doing and the experiences you're having at WKCTC. You can even add your own photo, bio, campus activities and work experiences to your Merit page.
Merit also automatically creates a personal online profile for each student, which can be used for internship or employment referrals.
Check out one student's page. Information on claiming your page is below.
Faculty and staff members or organizations notify the WKCTC's Office of Marketing and Communication of exceptional student achievement or news, and a list of those who have earned the
accomplishment. A brief article is written and then the college awards a badge, which
is published on the student's Merit profile. In many cases, the information is also
sent to the student's hometown newspaper.
Merit creates a positive, institution-verified online identity a visual resume that showcases a student's achievements from enrollment through graduation.
Your online reputation matters! Many companies now research applicants online. Merit gives West Kentucky students a professional looking web profile to which people who make decisions about internships, graduate school and jobs may refer.
Merit makes it easy to share good news with family and friends over email or social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or LinkedIn.
Merit by readMedia from readMedia on Vimeo.
Whenever a student's Merit page is created for the first time, a "Welcome to Merit" email is sent to the student. This email contains a secure link that will allow the student to login to their Merit page.
When the student views their Merit page for the first time, they will enter a customization workflow.Options at this point include adding a photo for their Merit page, and selecting a custom URL for their page, or connecting their social media accounts.
If you do not use Facebook or Twitter, you can still view and claim your profile and share your achievements; however, you wont be able to customize it with a photo, additional activities or work experience. When you claim your profile, you have several opportunities to select your own privacy settings and permissions. You may also opt out at any time.
Questions can sent to WKmerit@kctcs.edu .
Keep in mind that Merit is not a mandatory program. It's up to the student to decide if they want to participate or not. If a student claims their page, they don't have to put anything else on the page if they do not want to do so. Merit is just an opportunity for students to receive the attention they deserve.
Questions can sent to WKmerit@kctcs.edu .
To opt out of this program, simply reply to the e-mail you receive from Merit and asked to be removed. You will also be given instructions on how to opt out of future stories in the initial e-mail received from Merit.