Sector 1: Higher Education Enhancement | WKCTC

Holiday Closing

WKCTC will be closed on Monday, January 20 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Campus will reopen and classes will resume on Tuesday, January 21. Have a safe holiday weekend.

Sector 1: Higher Education Enhancement

Objective: To expand education access and affordability for K-12 low-income students entering WKCTC pursuing the high-wage, high demand technical pathways in coordination with Area Technology Centers, Career Technical Centers, and Innovation Hub, preparing them for successful entry into the workforce upon completion. In addition, seeking partnerships with other institutions to expand access and affordability for WKCTC graduates who transfer to specified programs of study at UK Engineering Paducah Campus, Murray State University’s Paducah Campus, and other specified universities, with a focus on adult and diverse students.
Anticipated Partners: Regional Area and County Technology Center (ATC/CTC, Paducah Innovation Hub, Murray State University; University of Kentucky Engineering; Fisk University; Tennessee State University; University of Memphis; Meharry Medical College.
Deliverables: Workforce readiness in high-wage high demand technical careers, Scholarships; 2+2 Agreements; articulation agreements; establishment of new program in Computer Engineering Technology
Impact: Reaches students not currently on higher education pathway; provides financial assistance for “wrap-around” services in addition to tuition; expands outreach and recruitment opportunities through education partnerships; increases WKCTC enrollment; provides seamless pathways for obtaining 4-year degrees locally
Cabinet Members Assigned: Dr. Kate Senn (Lead), Tammy Maines, and Jennifer Tubbs.