Computer Labs
Our campus computer labs provide the latest software to support your academic course needs. While some labs offer assistance, others are open labs without instructional support. You may also bring your own laptop from home and use our wireless access. Computer usage for WKCTC students is described in the Computer Usage Policy.
Computer Labs
Grisham Computer Lab is an open lab for WKCTC students with limited assistance provided.
- Located in Emerging Technology Center, upstairs Room 245
- Windows 11 environment
- Software: Student email account set up (photo ID and student ID number required); Microsoft Office; CIT course software; Math course software. Printing (black/white and color) for academics.
- Tutoring available in-person for CIT 105 and DLC 101 students. Tutoring is also available remotely through Microsoft Teams (by appointment).
- Open when classes are in session during the Fall and Spring Semesters
Monday - Friday; 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Closed all KCTCS Holidays and Academic Holidays - For more information, call (270) 534-3336.
Allied Health has two open labs for WKCTC students with limited assistance provided.
- Located in Allied Health Building, 1st floor lobby and 2nd floor, W201
- Windows 10 environment
- Software: Microsoft Office; Course software for Allied Health and Nursing
- Open Monday – Friday; 7:30 am – 3:30 pm unless the campus is closed. Extension of time may be granted upon request. The 2nd floor lab is closed intermittently for testing but closures are posted in advance.
- For more information, contact Mary Ann Bradbury at (270) 534-3471.
Anderson Computer Lab
- 225B
- Windows 10 environment
- Open Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Matheson Library has two designated computer labs, the Remote Room and the Research Room. Both areas have handicapped accessible computer stations and are equipped with handrails. Computers are available on a first come, first served basis (unless they are reserved for a class). The Remote Room can be reserved by faculty for student work sessions and library orientations. Please be mindful if the reserve signs are out in the Remote Room. These items are available to WKCTC patrons:
- Mixed environment of Windows 10 and Windows 11
- Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel
- Lockdown browsers
- Headphones
- Scanner
- Connection to black/white printing (see print management policy)
- Wireless network access and printing
Current library hours and closings are found on our website.